New Delhi: Congress party and the Muslim League staged a walk out in the Lok Sabha during a discussion about the Delhi riots while Amit Shah was giving a reply speech. Shah said that there is a conspiracy behind the riots that took 53 people dead.
Surprisingly, the opposition’s move comes after they raised many questions about the Delhi riots. The members skipped the Home Minister’s speech without even engaging in a discussion with the government about the violence.
Home Minister also said that there is a conspiracy behind the riots. He said that the spread of riots on such a big scale in such a short time is not possible without a conspiracy.
Amit Shah added that the police have registered a case of conspiracy to probe this angle. He revealed that three persons have been arrested for financing the violence in north east Delhi.
Shah also said that the police were able to contain the riot within 36 hours and said that no riots took place after 25 February. He praised the Delhi police for not allowing the riots to spread to other areas.
He also condoled the deaths that occurred during the riots.
Amit Shah said, “I pay my tribute to all those who lost their lives in riots in Delhi and extend my condolences to their grieving families.”