New Delhi: In the horrible riots, the Delhi Police Special Investigation Team (SIT) has discovered involvement of six women in burqa who were part of the mob which attacked Delhi Police personnel, reports Zee News.
In the several footage, it has been found that how these six burqa-clad women accompanied the mob and attacked ruthlessly head constable Ratan Lal during violence in the Gokul Puri locality on February 24, leading to his death.
As per reports, the SIT will soon arrest these women for further interrogation in connection with the attack on police personnel and head constable Ratan Lal’s murder. The SIT had earlier arrested seven people pertaining to this case.
At least 70-80 women wearing a burqa were seen in the CCTV footage obtained by the police from Chand Bagh and other nearby localities where the violence erupted. They can be seen pelting stones at the police team, which was trying to control the situation.