New Delhi: Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday made a fervent appeal to the people of the country to confine themselves to homes tomorrow (on 22nd March, 2020) so as to effectively contain the spread of Coronavirus. He said that since the virus spreads through physical contact, social distancing is an effective measure to contain its spread by avoiding contact during the incubation period of the virus.
Naidu elaborated that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for observing ‘Janata Curfew’ this Sunday in effect means ‘caring for yourself and others’ through social distancing which is being principally advocated by the medical experts and WHO.
Naidu urged the political parties, civil society organizations and all other concerned to rise to the occasion to collectively combat the challenge posed to the nation by Coronavirus. He further said that it is the responsibility of every citizen to educate and motivate others towards meeting the challenge.