New Delhi: Minister of State for Home Affairs, G. Kishan Reddy, has introduced the Rashtriya Raksha University Bill, 2020, in Rajya Sabha to provide necessary academic knowledge, professional skills and community orientation to police and security services in the country.
The statement of objects and reasons for the bill states, “There are only few institutions at present in the country which provide the environment, infrastructure and specialisation for imparting education in police sciences and internal security to meet the demands of modern, citizen-centric policing.”
The statement added, “Hence, there is a need to develop perspectives, undertake research and impart knowledge in the domain of policing and allied areas to the youth aspiring to join police and security forces at national level. It is proposed to establish the Rashtriya Raksha University by upgrading the Raksha Shakti University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, established under the State Act, that is, the Raksha Shakti University Act, 2009 by the Government of Gujarat as an institution of national importance.”
The University will be a multi-disciplinary university to create new knowledge through research and collaboration with different stakeholders and help to fulfil the need for a set of trained professionals with specialized knowledge and new skill sets in various wings of policing, the criminal justice system and correctional administration.