New Delhi: In his address to the nation, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has declared countrywide lockdown for 21 days, starting from tonight at 12 am. He also said that Rs. 15,000 crore has been allotted for medical facilities.
He said that a 21-day lockdown is needed to control the spread of the virus.
Narendra Modi requested everybody not to venture from homes for anything. He also stressed the need of social distancing. This is the only way to fight the virus infection. He warned that if families do not observe the 21 day lockdown then we will be pushed back by 21 years.
He reminded that an infected person will not show any symptoms for many days. That is why it is important to stay at home.
Modi also asked the people to remember the health workers and police who are doing their duty day and night. He also thanked the private sector for giving support to the government to fight the infection.
The Prime Minister said he allotted Rs. 15,000 crore for testing facilities, ICUs, ventilators and training health workers.