New Delhi: In a four-page letter written today to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress President Sonia Gandhi has extended the support for 21-day lockdown period due to the pandemic coronavirus.
“As president of the Congress, I would like to state that we will support and collaborate fully with every step taking by the union government to ensure the containment of the pandemic,” she wrote.
“At this challenging and uncertain time, it is imperative for each one of us to rise above partisan interests and honour one’s duty towards our country and indeed, towards humanity,” she says in the letter.
Sonia Gandhi also recommended her party’s NYAY scheme for minimum income support as the “need of the hour”, to give the poor a basic economic resource to fall back on.
“Alternatively, a cash transfer of Rs 7,500 to every Jan Dhan account holder, PM Kisan Yojana account holder, all old-age/widow/differently-abled persons’ pension, MNREGA worker’s accounts, as a one-time special measure to tide over the 21-day lockdown period should be considered,” she suggested.
Meanwhile, Rahul Gandhi has been continuously accusing the BJP government for underestimating the threat.