New Delhi: The Prime Minister’s Office have constituted 10 different committees to bring the economy back on track and to suggest measures to give relief to the citizens once the 21 day lockdown is lifted. The committees will also look for ways to ramp up the healthcare measures in the country.
All the ten committees will be guided by Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, P. K. Mishra.
Special focus of the Committees will be to look into how to provide welfare schemes for the poor who are suffering as a result of the lockdown and to give them relief once lockdown is lifted.
In addition, two other working groups under Niti Aayog member, V. K. Paul, and Environment Secretary, C. K. Mishra, will see to the preparedness for medical emergencies, supply of medicine, medical equipment and availability of hospitals.
20 Secretaries of various departments and 40 officials have already started working on the measures to be done in various fields to face the future. Every group has been given a week’s time to bring out solutions in the various sectors that each group is designated.