New Delhi: India has extended the coronavrus lockdown till May 31 after the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Sunday asked Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India, State governments and State Authorities to continue the lockdown measures.
The NDMA directed the National Executive Committee (NEC) to issue modifications in the guidelines as necessary, keeping in view with the need to open up economic activities while containing the spread of COVID-19, reported ANI.
With the guidelines pending, three states — Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Punjab — have already extended lockdown till May 31.
The Central guidelines for lockdown 4.0 is likely to be declared later this evening.
The meeting between the Chief Secretary and the state police chiefs will be held this evening, sources said. The relaxations will mainly revolve around public transport. But sources said for now, air travel and metro services will not be allowed.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier on Tuesday has announced that the lockdown will enter its fourth phase but with “totally different” rules which will be announced before lockdown 3.0 ends on May 17.