New Delhi: In a major revelation, sources in the National Investigation Agency said on Thursday, over 10 lakhs Pakistani rupees were deposited into the back accounts of the main accused of Pulwama terror attack, Mohammad Umar Farooq for funding the attack.
“Amount of 10 lakhs (approximately) of Pakistani rupees deposited in terrorist Mohd Umar’s accounts in Pakistan banks for funding the attack,” NIA sources said.
The main accused Mohammad Umar Farooq had went to Afghanistan for special explosive training in 2016-17 and then infiltrated into India through the International Border (IB). Three Pakistani compatriots and two local associates had accompanied him, said the investigation agency.
Earlier this week, the NIA filed a 13,800 -page chargesheet against 19 accused persons in the NIA special court at Jammu in connection with the Pulwama terror attack.