Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has fired back at Chief Minister of Maharashtra Uddhav Thackeray for his ‘ganja field were’ in her state remark. The Chief Minister was addressing the Shiv Sena’s annual Dussehra rally when he took a dig at the actor’s allegations about drug consumption in Bollywood.
While addressing the Dussehra rally, Thackeray hit out at Ranaut for her ‘Mumbai is PoK’ analogy and ‘drug addicts everywhere’ in the city. He said that people of Maharashtra ‘grew tulsi not ganja’ and said, ‘Ganja fields are in your state.’
Kangana Ranaut who dares to speak against the Maharashtra government, said that CM is a “petty person” indulging in ‘petty fights’ being a public servant. She took a lesson on Himachal Pradesh, her state, for his ignorance.
She wrote, ‘Himachal is called Dev Bhumi’ as she highlighted ‘maximum number of temples’, ‘zero crime rate’ and threw light on its’ very fertile land’ for the production of apples, kiwis, pomegranate, strawberries.
“You being a leader having such a vengeful, myopic and ill informed views about a state which has has been the abode of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati along with many great saints like Markandya and Manu Rishi, Pandavas spent large part of their exile in Himachal Pradesh,” she tweeted.
“Look at the audacity of a working CM he is dividing the country who has made him Maharashtra ka thekedaar? He is just a public servant there was someone else before him soon he will be out someone else will come to serve the state, why is he behaving like he owns Maharashtra?,” Kangana Ranaut continued to lash at Uddhav Thackeray.
“Just how beauty of Himalayas belongs to every Indian, opportunities that Mumbai offers too belongs to each one of us, both are my homes, Uddhav Thackeray don’t you dare to snatch our democratic rights and divide us, your filthy speeches are a vulgar display of your incompetence,” she added.
The verbal fight between Kangana Ranaut and Maharashtra government began over the investigation in the Sushant Singh Rajput case, followed by allegations of drug consumption in the film industry.