Nandigram [West Bengal]: West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee on Monday announced that she will be contesting from Nandigram constituency for the upcoming West Bengal Assembly polls. After the announcement, it has been confirmed that there will be a face to face battle between Mamata and Suvendu Adhikari in Nandigram.
Nandigram is the constituency from where former TMC leader Suvendu Adhikari, who recently joined BJP, contested and won in the 2016 polls.
‘I will contest from Nandigram Assembly. If possible I will contest from both Bhawanipur and Nandigram. I will come again and again as Nandigram is my lucky place. In the 2016 election, I announced my election from Nandigram. Today also I came to nandigram. TMC will win in 2021″, said Banerjee while addressing a rally in West Bengal.