New Delhi: Following the violence in farmers protests, internet services were shut down in several parts of Delhi by the Central government. The government ordered the suspension of internet services till 11:59 pm at Singhu, Ghazipur, Tikri, Mukarba Chowk, Nangloi and nearby areas.
The order by the Ministry of Home Affairs stated “In exercise of the power conferred by Section 7 of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, read with sub-rule of Rule 2 of the temporary suspension of telecom services (public emergency or public safety) rules 2017, and in the interest of maintaining public safety and averting public emergency it is necessary and expedient to order, the temporary suspension of internet services in the areas of Singhu, Ghazipur, Tikri, Mukarba Chowk, Nangloi and their adjoining areas in the NCT of Delhi from 12:00 hours to 23.59 hours on January 26, 2021”.
Earlier the day, the farmers had reached into Delhi by breaking the barricades posted by the police and resorted to vandalizing the public properties.