PM Narendra Modi addressed the World Economic Forum’s Davos Dialogue via video conferencing. He spoke on the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution – using technology for the good of humanity’. Prime Minister also interacted with the CEOs during the event.
Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister said that he has brought the message of confidence, positivity and hope from 1.3 billion Indians amidst these times of apprehension. The Prime Minister told the gathering that despite the initial misgivings about the India’s capacity to handle the pandemic, India moved forward used technology massively in testing and tracking of the cases.
PM Modi said, India is helping countries with online training, traditional knowledge, vaccines and vaccine infrastructure. He informed that apart from the two current made in India vaccines, more vaccines are in pipeline which will enable India to help the world at greater scale and speed.
The Prime Minister also informed the forum about the steps being taken on economic front and asserted that India is working on all the four factors of Industry 4.0- connectivity, automation, artificial intelligence or machine learning and real-time data.
He assured the forum that India’s Aatamnirbhar Bharat movement is committed to global good and global supply chain as India has capacity, capability and reliability to strengthen global supply chain.
The Prime Minister cautioned that technology should become a tool of ease of living and not a trap, He also invited the global players to take advantage of 26 billion dollar Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.