The Delhi government has decided to extend the lockdown by another week, said Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday. The restrictions will now stay in place till 17 May.
“I have spoken to traders, women, youth and many others over the past few days. Everyone believes that while cases have come down, they are not at the level where the lockdown can be lifted otherwise what we have gained will be lost. So the lockdown is being extended for another week. This time, it will be a little stricter and the Metro will not operate,” Kejriwal said.
The CM further announced that metro services will remain suspended during the period. Essential services will be available during the lockdown and those with medical emergencies will not be stopped.
He further said the positivity rate was 35 per cent on April 26, it has dipped to 23 pc over the past two days.
Delhi first announced a week-long lockdown this year on April 19. It has been extended every Sunday since, as cases and positivity rate refused to dip.