Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Monday released the first batch of DRDO-developed anti-Covid drug 2-DG here.
On the occasion, Rajnath Singh said, “I am thanking all of them who are associated in the Research & Development of this drug, including DRDO. Two-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) drug would be helpful in containing the virus. This is an example of our country’s scientific prowess.”
Assuring the people, he further said that the Government has been doing their best in dealing with the crisis across the country, adding that there has been no impact on the borders.
“Our soldiers are full of energy and enthusiasm, guarding the borders. We all know how much bigger the challenges are, we will overcome it,” Mr Singh assured.
As of now, a total of 10,000 sachets of the drug will be supplied in various hospitals in Delhi first and that will not be sold in the general market.