A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced cancellation of CBSE Plus two exams, the Tamil Nadu Government will take a call on holding its Plus-2 State board exams in the next two days.
Talking to reporters after holding a review meeting with Chief Minister M K Stalin at the State Secretariat here, Shool Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi said the CM will take a decision on holding the exams after eliciting the views of various stakeholders in two days.
The Minister, who had earlier said that the State’s decision will depend on the Centre’s decision on holding CBSE exams, said the government has sought the views from health experts, parents, teachers, students and academicians to decide on the next course of action.
“The Chief Minister has said that all sides should be heard and that a decision will be taken within two days based on this”, he said, adding that they will also consider what other States decide with regard to conducting their state board exams
The Minister appealed to parents, teachers and other stakeholders to write or send e-mails to the department sharing their views.
“Our Chief Minister and the government have always maintained the same position that while we acknowledge that exams are important for a student’s future, their health also should be taken into consideration,” he said.