The launch of phase three of Tika Utsav, came with an unrelenting support from the people, who have recognized the hard work being done by Dr Pramod Sawant led government in this fight against Covid.
Started on June 13, 2021, for all persons above 18 without any restrictions, Tika Utsav phase three saw an overwhelming response with vaccine centers seeing an unprecedented amount of people walking in for the vaccination. The very first day saw a record 18,662 jabs, which was the highest single-day vaccination observed.
This encouraging response reflects all over the state of Goa and the government is determined to take all the steps to ease access to vaccination and reach every single individual, a statement from the government said.
From the launch of Tika Utsav 2021 in Goa, up till this moment, the government’s adaptability has allowed them to learn and adjust to find the best methods to reach their people and get them to attend this mass vaccination drive. Many problems have risen and have been tackled with the best fit course of action to ensure the continual smooth running of this drive.
Earlier vaccination required an online pre-registration to book a slot for vaccination where at max 110 slots would be available each day. This however came with a lot of issues. People had to travel great distances to reach their allotted vaccination center, this directly affected the overall turnout of people. Also people facing connectivity issues could not get a slot.