New Delhi: NIA received information from the four people who got arrested on Wednesday in connection with the ISIS that they had planned for attacks in states including Kerala. Ammar Abdul Rahman from Mangaluru, Ubaid Hamid and Musammil Hassan from Kashmir, Shankar Venkatesh Perumal from Bengaluru were arrested. These people have come to Kerala several times in the past months. After the arrest they were taken to NIA head quarters in Delhi.
They had planned to recruit youth from states including Kerala. Their plan was to spread ISIS ideologies through social media and to lure youth into terrorism activities. Apart from Kerala, they plan to recruit youth from Karnataka and Jammu and Kashmir.
Abu Yahiya from Kerala who got arrested in March in connection with ISIS was the leader of the group. He had gone to Syria, Iraq and joined activities with the IS gang. Later he came back to India and based in Delhi he began his activities in India. He had planned to recruit more youth into ISIS. He got funds for these activities from Muhammed Waqar Loan from Kashmir who also was involved in his activities. When Abu Yahiya got arrested, NIA received information about other people in the gang.
In the past several years, Kerala has become a hub of terrorism activities. Women and young girls get lured and converted to Islam and are taken to Syria, Iraq and other countries for terrorism activities. Several Kerala youth have been arrested in relation with global terrorist activities. It is alarming the way Kerala youth get lured into terrorism activities across the world.