Lucknow: Road from Ayodhya to Ramjanmabhoomi will be given late chief minister Kalyan Singh’s name. Uttar Pradesh deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya made this announcement. Apart from Ayodhya, in four main cities in UP, one road in each city will be named after Kalyan Singh.
Roads in Lucknow, Aligarh, Prayagraj, Bulandshahr will be named after Kalyan Singh as an honor to the late chief minister. The discussions are in progress as to which roads to be given Kalyan Singh’s name, Keshav Prasad Maurya said.
Kalyan Singh passed away on Saturday night. He was admitted in Sanjay Gandhi Medical College after his health deteriorated. His body was kept in the Assembly and BJP office for people to offer their tributes. Three days of mourning and public holiday will be observed in Uttar Pradesh. Mourning will be observed in Rajasthan and Uttarkhand.
Kalyan Singh was born on January 5, 1932. He became Member of Legislative Assembly nine times and Member of Parliament one time. He became chief minister of Uttar Pradesh in 1991. He resigned the post of CM taking the moral responsibility of Babri Masjid demolition. In 1997, he became chief minister second time. He was a leader who carried Ram mantra in his heart.