Chennai: Reports say that the Kerala Story, which is performing well at the box-office, was taken down from theaters in Tamil Nadu after they faced stiff protests and threats. The movie, which showcases the plight of girls who were converted to Islam and recruited to ISIS, is not being shown in the DMK ruled state since yesterday.
BJP leader and member of National Commission for Women, Khushbu Sundar said that Tamil Nadu government is giving lame reasons to cancel the shows. She also wonders what scares those who are fighting to ban the movie. The former actor also asks if it’s the truth shown in the movie that scares them or the realization that they are part of the truth.
Earlier, the NTK party leader and actor/director, Seeman had threatened to break the screens and theaters if The Kerala Story is shown.
President of Tamil Nadu Theater and Multiplex Owners Association, M Subramaniam said that the movie did not go well when shown in some pan-India multiplexes. He also said that theaters decided that it was not worth going through the threat of protests and such. The absence of big stars in the movie is also said to be the reason for taking down the movie.
However, many are asking how a movie, which has grossed Rs.35 crores since its release on May 5 is said to be performing poorly.