CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has filed a criminal defamation case against BJP state president K Annamalai for his ‘DMK files’ on Wednesday. The BJP leader had recently alleged that MK Stalin was paid Rs 200 crore in 2011 to fix a Chennai Metro contract. He also stated that DMK leaders have assets worth Rs 1.34 lakh crore.
On April 14, 2023, K Annamalai disclosed a series of papers titled ‘DMK Files’ on alleged corruption within the DMK government.
“We have released DMK files, Part 1. It’s going to be a series throughout the year. It’s just the first family of the DMK that we have disclosed that has direct assets, their shareholdings in a company, and the valuations. We haven’t gone beyond it,” Annamalai had stated.
The BJP leader also levelled allegations against Stalin’s son Udayanidhi Stalin, son-in-law Sabeerasan and MP Kanimozhi, who is Stalin’s sister.
As per the petition, the statements made by Annamalai have caused considerable harm to the reputation of MK Stalin. Political observers believe that this move against Annamalai is a retaliatory action against exposing the alleged corruption of DMK party members.
K Annamalai, a former 2011 batch IPS officer, was appointed as BJP state President in Tamil Nadu in 2021. At the age of 37, he became the youngest president of BJP in the state ever. The DMK had also recently issued a legal notice to the BJP state chief demanding an apology and compensation of Rs 500 crore for the remarks against the Chief Minister and the DMK.