New Delhi: In a huge setback for West Bengal government, the Supreme Court of India has stayed the ban order imposed on the movie The Kerala Story. The court asked that if the movie can be screened in rest of the country what the issue is in screening it in West Bengal. It also ordered that security must be provided to theaters screening the movie. SC also said that a movie must not be banned directly or indirectly. The court also asked Tamil Nadu government to provide security to theaters.
The stay on the ban order was given by the bench headed by SC Chief Justice, DY Chandrachud. When asked what the issue is if the movie is screened in West Bengal, lawyer Abhishek Manu Singhvi cited intelligence reports of possibility of conflicts. However, the court did not accept this argument.
The Central Government argued that the movie shows some contemporary realities.
West Bengal had banned the movie The Kerala Story which is now running successfully across India. The movie has grossed more than Rs.165 crores since its release on May 5. It is estimated to cross the Rs.200 crore mark soon.