Chennai: Tamil Nadu BJP Chief Annamalai on Saturday said that the newly formed Congress government in Karnataka will collapse within a year. He also predicted that the government would fall by 2024 due to fight between Siddaramiah and DK Shivakumar. He added that the two Congress leaders should be awarded a ‘Nobel Peace Prize’ if they don’t fight by 2024.
“I see the Karnataka government collapsing like a pack of cards a year from now. If DK Shivakumar and Siddaramaiah don’t fight by 2024, then the Nobel peace prize should be given to both of them. Because the structure of their government is itself faulty,” Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai said.
Siddaramaiah took oath as the Chief Minister of Karnataka on Saturday. Siddaramaiah was announced as the Chief Minister after days of uncertainty and fight between him and Shivakumar for the CM post.