New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that the Centre is planning to introduce a bill in the Parliament to link birth and death data with electoral rolls. Amit Shah said this during the inauguration of the ‘Janganana Bhawan’, the office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India.
“The census is a process that may form the basis of the development agenda. Digital, complete and accurate census figures will have multi-dimensional benefits”, he said. The census data will ensure that development reaches the poorest of the poor, Amit Shah added.
“A bill to link death and birth register with electoral rolls will be introduced in parliament. Under this process, when a person turns 18, his or her name will be automatically included in the electoral rolls. Similarly, when a person dies, that information automatically will go to the Election Commission, which will start the process of deleting the name from the voters’ list,” he said.
The government officials said that with the introduction of new bill, the Registration of Birth and Death Act (RBD), 1969, have to be amended. As per PTI reports, there might be changes regarding issuance of driving license and passport and giving the benefits of the government welfare schemes.
Amit Shah also pointed out that the basic necessities could not be provided everywhere in the country even after 70 years of independence due to inaccurate census data. The lack of data delayed the implementation of schemes.
“Earlier the development process happened in fragments because adequate data for development was not available. After 70 years of independence planning was adopted to electrify every village, to give a home to everyone, to give tap drinking water to everyone, to give healthcare to everyone, to give toilets to every home”, Amit Shah said.
“It took so long because no one had the idea as to how much money will be required to fulfill these basic necessities because the utility of the census was not conceived, the data related to the census were not accurate, the available data was not accessible online and coordination with census and planning authorities were absent,” he added.
Along with the new Janganana Bhawan, the minister also inaugurated a web portal for registrations of birth and death.