New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party has selected ‘Modi hai to Mumkin hai’, – ‘Modi makes it possible’ as their slogan for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has declared this through face book.
“His image as a doer is now recognised by most Indians. Many India observers across the world have marvelled with India’s pace of taking decisions and implementing them. The BJP, therefore, has chosen an effective slogan for the forthcoming elections ‘Modi Hai to Mumkin Hai’ – ‘Modi makes it possible’,” said Jaitley.
“It is both the motivation and the leadership which made the vital difference. It is precisely for this reason that India will witness an election where people will get an opportunity to endorse Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, decisiveness, integrity and performance. Indeed he makes it possible,” the finance minister said.
Arun Jaitley is in-charge of the publicity division of BJP for 2019 general elections.