Udupi: In the wake of an alleged incident where three girls from a medical college in Udupi district, Karnataka, filmed fellow students in a washroom, the Udupi Police have finally taken action by registering two separate FIRs. The police acted on their own initiative and initiated an investigation into the matter.
One of the FIRs has been filed against the three girls and the college administration, accusing them of filming a private picture of a person and deleting the video. The second case is related to the uploading of an edited video on YouTube channels and a Twitter account, which the police allege was used to spread fake news, offensive content, and communal hatred on social media. A case has been lodged for attempting to disrupt harmony, and a probe will be conducted.
The response of the Siddaramaiah Congress government towards the incident has been criticised for its reluctance to take any decisive action. BJP leader and former Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai expressed his dissatisfaction with the police’s handling of the case. He accused the police of initially intending to take action against the whistleblower instead of the actual culprits. However, after a public outcry, an FIR was finally registered. Bommai also alleged that the State Government dismissed the incident as fake news despite the suspension of three girls and the existence of an apology letter. He urged the police to work without any political pressure.
In response to the distressing incident, National Commission of Women (NCW) Member and BJP leader Khushbu Sundar announced her intent to conduct a personal probe into the matter through X (formerly Twitter).
Sundar expressed her sadness over children engaging in such activities and pledged to visit Udupi to investigate the issue. As a member of the NCW, she vowed to speak with the students, meet with the police, and visit the college to address the matter. She emphasised that the dignity of women cannot be compromised and must be protected.