Udupi: The BJP staged a protest against the Udupi video incident on Friday, headed by local MLA Yashpal Suvarna, calling for a fair and impartial probe by a central agency. The BJP activists in Udupi, Karnataka, marched from the party headquarters to the Superintendent of Police’s (SP) office, expressing their outrage and discontent with the Siddaramaiah Congress government’s handling of the situation.
Carrying placards and posters, the protestors urged concrete action against those responsible for the videography case and called for a thorough investigation. They criticised state Home Minister Dr G Parameshwara’s remark, dismissing the incident as a “small incident blown out of proportion.” The protestors accused the government of misleading the public and engaging in petty politics.
The alleged incident involved three girls from a medical college in Udupi district filming fellow students in the washroom. In response, the Udupi Police registered two separate FIRs. One FIR was filed against the three girls and the college administration for allegedly filming a private picture and deleting the video. The second case was related to the uploading of an edited video on YouTube channels, allegedly used to spread fake news and offensive and communal hatred on social media.
The incident triggered a war of words between the Congress government in Karnataka and the principal Opposition, the BJP. The BJP accused the Siddaramaiah government of not taking timely action in the matter.
The BJP workers demanded a proper investigation to hold those responsible accountable for their actions and insisted on the involvement of a central agency in the probe. The protest aimed to pressure the government to take appropriate action and ensure justice for the incident in Udupi.