Bengaluru: The Karnataka Governor’s Office has initiated a letter to the Chief Secretary, urging an investigation into the corruption allegations levelled against Agriculture Minister N Chaluvarayaswamy by seven officers within the department. The move follows a plea by Agriculture Department officials to the Governor’s Office, highlighting the need for an examination of the matter. The officials have accused the minister of demanding a bribe ranging from ₹6 to ₹8 lakhs.
In a troubling twist, the officials have even issued a grave ultimatum, threatening to resort to consuming poison if appropriate action is not taken to address the issue. Responding promptly to this plea, the Karnataka Governor’s Secretariat directed the Chief Secretary, Vandita Sharma, to delve into the matter, specifying the individuals and departments involved. The Secretariat’s communication stated, “Seven officers of the Agriculture Department, including joint agriculture secretaries and officials from Mandya, Malavalli, Krishnarajapete, Pandavapura, Nagamangala, Srirangapattana, and Maddu, have come forward with corruption allegations against Agriculture Minister Cheluvarayaswamy. We have enclosed a copy of the allegations along with this letter for your reference.”
The governor’s message to the chief secretary was explicit and urgent, emphasising the seriousness of the situation. The letter read, “The joint agriculture directors of various taluks in Mandya district have communicated to me that the minister has demanded a bribe of ₹6–8 lakhs from officials. Expressing their resolve, these officials have indicated that they may resort to consuming poison if immediate and decisive steps are not taken to address this alarming matter. I urge you to promptly investigate this issue and take appropriate action accordingly.”
It is noteworthy that during the Karnataka assembly election campaign, the Congress party spewed allegations against the BJP, highlighting that public representatives and officials were involved in demanding a substantial 40 percent commission for public projects.
In response to these allegations, Agriculture Minister N Chaluvarayaswamy expressed his lack of awareness regarding the matter and claimed the ‘letter’ to be fake. He stated, “I am not familiar with the contents of the letter, and I am unaware of its authorship. Upon inquiry, the Joint Director confirmed that it is a fabricated letter, as none of the officials possess such authority.”
Chaluvarayaswamy further dismissed the allegations, making it seem like there was a lack of communication between the joint director and assistant directors in Mandya district, particularly on financial matters. He defended his position, expressing his readiness to face any challenge aimed at his reputation and emphasising his dedication to fulfilling his responsibilities.