New Delhi: In an interview given to ‘Times Now’, the Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his stance clear on terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. In contrast to Congress’ soft policy of ‘healing touch’ when it came to terrorism, Narendra Modi advocated his tough stand ‘hitting touch’ against those involved in terrorism.
The Prime Minister said that the healing touch will be given only to the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir and the those who involve in terrorism will be dealt with severely. He said that the government is following Vajpayee’s principle of Humanity, Democracy, and Kashmiriyat when it came to dealing with J&K.
Narendra Modi said, “We will have to make a clear demarcation that healing touch is for the citizens and hitting touch for terrorists.”
He continued that the healing touch is needed for the policemen dying in Kashmir, the army jawans, the Kashmiri children who are making country proud in sports.
The Prime Minister said, “I am willing to walk that mile to provide them with that but there will be no healing touch to separatists and terrorists. I will not let them be given that treatment and will give them hitting touch.”
Narendra Modi’s touch policy is in direct contrast to Congress’ manifesto in which the grand old party took a soft policy against terrorism. Congress manifesto said that there was a need for healing touch because the NDA’s policies have led to a lot of imbalance and violence.
Rahul Gandhi had vowed to dilute the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) which had been effective in containing the threat of armed struggle and separatism in many parts of the country.
Meanwhile, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested separatists leaders Masarat Alam, Asiya Andrabi, and Shabir Shah in a terror funding case which involved terror chief Hafiz Saeed. The trio will be in NIA custody for 10 days.