New Delhi: In a move that could spell trouble for Robert Vadra, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has approached the High Court to cancel the bail provided to Vadra on the basis that his statements are contradicting those given by his associates during his questioning by the agency.
The ED had submitted to the court a synopsis of statements made by Vadra and his associates. The synopsis details the how Vadra was in a denial mode during his questioning.
He said that he hadn’t met Sumit Chandha a relative of arms dealer Sanjay Bhandari but his own associates have given statements that Vadra knew Sumit through Bhandari.
When asked about how met NRI businessman C. C. Thampi, he said he met him on a flight but Thampi claimed that he met Vadra through a personal assistant of Sonia Gandhi.
When asked about his association with Jagdish Sharma he said that Sharma just hovers around him and has no dealings with that person. But Sharma says that he is very close to the Gandhi family and that he is most close to Vadra.
Vadra had contradicted many statements of his associates likewise and this has made the ED seek the court’s intervention to cancel his bail.
The court will hear the appeal on 17 July.
On 24 May, the ED requested the Delhi High court for custodial interrogation of Vadra about the source of his funds used to purchase a property in London for GBP 1.9 million and to clarify the roles of certain people who helped him launder money.