Mumbai: Shiv Sena media cell has announced that its chief, Uddhav Thackeray, will visit Ayodhya later this month. The media cell said that the dates will be confirmed later.
Uddhav Thackeray had visited the holy place six months ago and asked the government to release an ordinance to build the Ram Temple on the disputed site. He had promised his party’s full support if an ordinance was brought to make the construction of the temple.
During his last visit he asked the government to announce the date for the construction of the temple. He had also offered his prayers at the makeshift Ram Lalla shrine in Ayodhya.
The Ayodhya case is now under the consideration of the Supreme Court. The apex court on 26 February this year advocated an amicable resolution to the dispute through mediation. However, if the mediation does not work out, the apex court will spell out its verdict on the centuries-old dispute.