New Delhi: A day after the National Investigation Agency busted a bomb making unit in Bengaluru and arrested three Bangladeshis in connection with it, the MP from South Bangalore, Tesjasvi Surya today demanded in Lok Sabha that the government must extend National Register of Citizen (NRC) to Karnataka as well.
He demanded the implementation of NRC in a bid to weed out illegal Bangladeshi migrants in Karnataka especially in Bengaluru.
While speaking in the Lok Sabha, the young MP said, “Illegal immigrants are a security threat to the state. Yesterday a terror module that operates from Bangladesh was busted in Bengaluru. I call upon the Center to extend the NRC to Karnataka and Bengaluru to weed out Bangladeshis who have come here illegally.”
The National Register of Citizen is a register which contains the names of Indian citizens, which was prepared for the only time in 1951 and was updated for Assam to identify and expel illegal immigrants, mostly from Bangladesh.
Yesterday, NIA nabbed three terrorists belonging to the Bangladesh based terror outfit, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB).
The firebrand BJP leader, Tejasvi Surya, is one of the youngest MPs in the 17th Lok Sabha elections. He won from the prestigious South Bangalore constituency with a majority of more than 3 lakh votes.