Lucknow: The CM Yogi Adityanath led Uttar Pradesh government has decided to install a 251-metre-tall statue of Lord Ram on the banks of river Sarayu in Ayodhya. The statue of Lord Ram will be taller than Sardar Patel’s Statue of Unity in Gujarat, which would be the tallest statue in the world.
The Ram statue would be installed on a 100 acre site and Yogi Adityanath will seek technical assistance from Gujarat. The UP government is preparing a plan for an overall development of Ayodhya. “There should be arrangements for basic tourist facilities along with the digital museum, interpretation centre, library, parking, food plaza, landscaping based on the theme of Lord Shri Ram,” he said.
A separate unit of the State Manufacturing Corporation would be set up for the project, structure, bidding operation and construction work. The UP government plans to enlist the help of IIT Kanpur and Nagpur-based NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute) to carry out the site survey, environmental assessment and feasibility study.
The statue will have a base of 50 meters, and the statue of Lord Ram will have a bow, arrow and a quiver. A grand museum will also be built under the 50 meter high base / pedestal, of the statue showcasing the things related to the life of Lord Ram. Further, the museum will also narrate the history of Ayodhya, covering the period of Ikshvaku dynasty from Manu till the birth of Lord Ram. Through modern technology, all the incarnations of Lord Vishnu will also be shown in this museum.
The Lord Ram statue complex is expected to have the following features: Ram Kutla (Cottage), Vegetarian (Satvic) Restaurant, Rest house, Big hotels, Ram Leela ground, Gurukul, Sarayu Ghat, Auditorium, Banvaas (garden), Parking, Gaushala, Hospital for the treatment of monkeys, Vedic Library, Service road, Pedestal Plaza.
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