New Delhi: The Supreme Court of India has ordered that the flats that violated the environmental laws and built upon the coastal zone in Maradu must be demolished in 138 days. The court also ordered the state government to provide interim relief of Rs. 25 lakh for every flat owner affected by the demolition.
The interim compensation of Rs.25 lakh must be paid within four weeks.
The demolition must be overseen by a retired high court judge and also asses the total compensation.
The Supreme Court also directed to free the accounts of the builders and promoters of the flats built in violation of rules and regulations in Maradu. The court also asked the government that it may consider recovering the amount of interim compensation from these builders and promoters.
Five flats built by violating environmental laws face demolition after the apex court came heavily against the state government for not taking serious actions against them. The court also pointed out that last year’s flood was result of such violations.
The Chief Secretary has reported to the Cabinet that there is all possibility that other flats which were constructed by breaking environmental laws will have to be demolished.