Thiruvananthapuram: College union chairmen get overseas training at government expense. The government’s move comes amid reports that the state is facing a financial crisis. The union chairmen of 70 government colleges of the state are being sent abroad for leadership training. The higher education department has issued a directive on this.
The government has decided to send student leaders abroad when there are high quality institutions for such training in the country. Travel costs are around Rs 1 crore. Most of the 70 people on the travel list are SFI leaders.
Earlier, the government had clarified that the union chairmen’s team were being sent on the expense of the central government. But now reports have come out that the journey is funded by the state government.
The Chief Minister’s trip to Japan is one of the most controversial in the state. The 13-member delegation, which includes the chief minister and other ministers, headed back yesterday after the foreign trip. The opposition vehemently opposed foreign travel and accused the travel as unnecessary.
The Chief Minister himself had responded to these objections. But still the government is sending the chairmen abroad for the training.