Thiruvananthapuram: After Kerala Chief Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, said that SDPI has been involved in communal violence in the name of anti-CAA protests, BJP leader K. Surendran exposed the communist leader pointing to the fact that CPI(M) has been infiltrated by SDPI.
The BJP leader also said that DYFI and SFI, which are the youth and student wings of CPI(M), were acting as recruiting agencies of these terror elements.
K. Surendran said that the Chief Minister must oust SDPI member who have infiltrated the communist party. He revealed that these terrorists are in the leadership roles of the communist party in many parts of the state. He also accused these elements for being behind the intimidation to unleash communal violence.
The BJP leader said that action must be there and mere words is not enough.
Surendran’s statements come after the Chief Minister spoke about SDPI elements in the Kerala Assembly today. He said that these persons are involved in activities to incite communal violence in the name of anti-CAA protests.