Thiruvananthapuram: The Vigilance is preparing to open the bank locker of former minister, V. S. Shivakumar, to probe the corruption charges against him. The Congress leader is facing investigations for amassing wealth illegally.
The Vigilance will give notice to the bank today for permission to open his locker for investigation. The move comes after a 10 member investigation team was constituted for the probe.
Shivakumar had informed the investigation team that he had lost the key to the locker, which is in his wife’s name. Following this the vigilance ordered the bank not to allow anyone else to open the locker and to permit the investigation team to open it.
The case against him says that he had amassed wealth in the name of his friends and driver. However, the vigilance failed to recover any evidence in the raid conducted in the residences of all the accused.
Shivakumar, a prominent Congress leader in Kerala, was the minister in the Oommen Chandy ministry from 2011-16.