New Delhi: In a blow to Kerala government, the Supreme Court of India has sent back a plea against Adani Group taking over the management of the operations at Thiruvananthapuram Airport for 50 years. The apex court said that it is better the High Court of Kerala consider the plea.
The plea was sent back by the Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice, S. A. Bobde.
The decision of the central government to give the management of operations at Thiruvananthapuram Airport to the Adani Group was contested by Kerala government and had approched the High Court in this regard. The Kerala government later submitted a plea to the Supreme Court.
The transfer of operations to Adani Group was to make the services more efficient for the passengers. The Adani Group had won the auction last February by offering Rs. 168 for a single passenger. This amount will be paid to the Airport Authourity of India every month.