Thiruvananthapuram: BJP State President, K. Surendran, has clarified that there is no politics behind the banning of two channels from air for two days. He said that the state unit of BJP had nothing to do with the ban and also had no part in those channels coming back on air next day.
K. Surendran reminded that the channels were banned because they tried to create communal hatred by giving false news about a Mosque being destroyed in Delhi riots. The reason for the ban and the lifting of the ban had nothing to do with politics.
The BJP President was speaking at a press conference when he made these statements.
He asked the media not to create divisions between communities or religions. He reminded the media is being observed and scrutinized just as much as the media is observing and scrutinizing the political parties and the society.
Surendran added that the BJP and the society is watching the doings of every media house.
The BJP leader said that every media must follow ethical practices and maintain decorum. He said that a media house was raided today by the officials of the State on the charges of money laundering. Yet he asked why the media is silent about it.
Surendran also said that if the raid was done by the Central government agencies, every media house in the state would have taken a different stance. They would have protested against the Central government for threatening the press freedom.
He criticized the media for spreading false news against the BJP. Since becoming the President, there have been a constant news that many state level leaders were not in tune with him. However, all those news have been proved false and said that the first State Committee meeting of the BJP was attended by 99.9% of the members.
K. Surendran reminded that spreading such fake news is not the dharma of media.