Kannur: The Juma Masjid Mosque defied the guidelines given by the police to curb gatherings in view of the spread of COVID-19 and conducted namaz. The police has registered a case against the authorities of the Mosque for violating the guidelines and putting people’s lives at risk.
The police had given strict guidelines to Churches, Mosques and Temples in the region to avoid gatherings and worship to stop the spread of the virus. However, the authorities of the Mosque decided to do conduct the namaz on Friday. Around afternoon a gathering of 200 persons came to the Mosque for the namaz putting their lives at risk.
This prompted the police to take action against the authorities of the Mosque.
The number of COVID-19 has risen to 40 in Kerala. This has made the government take tougher measures to avoid gatherings in the state. The festivals of all the temples are reduced to just the performance of the rituals so as to avoid gatherings. The police have given strict guidelines to stop worship in Churches and Mosques to prevent the infection from spreading.