Kochi: The Ernakulam Principal Sessions Court on Friday rejected the bail plea of Swapna Suresh, one of the main accused in the gold smuggling case. She had filed a bail plea in a case filed by the Enforcement Directorate. ED strongly argued that granting bail would destroy evidence of influential people including in the CM’s office.
While considering the case, the court observed that there was a large group behind the gold smuggling. The court noted that the case had been found to have conspired in the country and abroad, and that it was Swapna’s responsibility to prove her innocence.
At the same time, Swapna argued that the enforcement was unable to produce evidence against her in connection with hawala, benami transactions and money laundering. But ED told the court that granting bail would help Swapna to destroy evidence and sabotage the investigation with the help of high-ranking officials.