Bengaluru: In a big setback, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) is expanding its investigation into the Bengaluru drug case to the Malayalam film industry. The probe team had earlier confirmed that Bineesh Kodiyeri and Anoop Muhammad, the main accused in the case, have close links with the Malayalam film industry.
According to reports, new directors in the Malayalam cinema are involved in the drug smuggling and the industry is being used for money laundering. The Kochi unit of the NCB has started a preliminary inquiry into the matter. It is hinted that four actors have been questioned by the probe team.
NCB zonal director Amit Gawate came to the ED office and collected details on the case. He is in charge of the investigation into the death actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
There are also reports that the NCB will take Bineesh Kodiyeri in custody tomorrow.