Lottoland, announced their first Jackpot winner, Shaji Matthew from Kerala, India, who walked away with a massive 3.3 crore rupees. Shaji spun his way to the jackpot on the Atlantis Casino game a simple underwater theme online slot game.
“When I first saw the email and got the call, I thought it was a prank call. It wasn’t until I started the process that I believed it,” said Shaji.
A Lottoland representative said, “It’s fantastic to see how rapidly our customer base and prize wins have grown here in Asia, not too long ago we were celebrating our first Lakhpati at and now we’re ushering in our first Crorepati with Shaji and his family.”
Launched in 2013, Lottoland has grown rapidly to become the world leading online lotto betting provider, allowing people to bet on the outcome of lotteries from around the world it has a range of jackpots on offer at any one time so that people can pick and choose how they want to bet
In June 2018, Lottoland paid out 90 million to one lucky winner in Germany – this win has been confirmed by Guinness World Records as the Largest online gambling payout. The Gibraltar-based business is active in 15 markets, has over 350 employees, and more than 13 million customers worldwide.