Around 18 Kerala Cops have been charged by CBI on 24th June 2021 for cooking up the fake ISRO Spy Case. One of them is R B Sreekumar, then Additional Director of Intelligence and later DGP of Gujarat Police. There, he ran a fake campaign the then Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi accusing him on his involvement in the 2002 Gujarat riots. Supreme Court later threw out Sreekumar’s ‘evidence’ as fake and said he cannot be trusted.
The entire fake ISRO Spy was run by CIA to deny India access to the Cryogenic engine technology, which was crucial for launch of heavy satellites. A section of Kerala Police was a part of this fake case, which led to arrest and torture of senior ISRO scientist Dr Nambi Narayanan. Many media houses in Kerala were paid by CIA to run regular stories on the Spy Scandal. Dr Nambi Narayanan and another ISRO scientist D. Sasikumaran were arrested and asked to name the ISRO top brass as being involved is the Spy Case. They both refused and were brutally tortured in police custody by senior police officers.
In between, the case was interlinked to the power struggle within the Congress party in Kerala. Sonia was angry with then Chief Minister K Karunakaran and wanted to replace him at any cost with her yes man AK Antony.
After a long legal battle, Supreme Court ordered the Kerala Government to pay Dr Nambi Narayanan, a compensation of Rs 1.30 crore for the illegal detention.
The Supreme Court also ordered CBI to investigate and file cases against the officers from Kerala Police who were involved in peddling this fake case.