CPM former branch secretary, K K Sujesh Kannatt was expelled from the party’s primary membership as he openly spoke about the scam in Karuvannur Co operative Bank, the largest bank scam that happened in the history of Kerala. Sujesh has protested outside the bank on June 14th.
The decision was taken by CPM Porathisseri south local committee. Sujesh was the branch secretary of school branch in Madayikkonam. Sujesh has protested against the scam in the party factions years ago. He had told about the fraud to former president of the bank K K Divakarankutty, leaders in CPM Madayikkonam school branch and local area committee.
Sujesh had filed a complaint to the Chief Minister about the scam in Karuvannur Bank. He also wrote in social media about crores of binami loan transactions of party members and its associated organization’s members which irked the party factions. CPM has always expelled lot of its members who questioned their illegal activities.