CPI (M) is flooded with troll on social media when it announced its YouTube silver button. Acting secretary Vijayaraghavan made the announcement that CPI (M)’s YouTube channel received silver button. He posted a photo of him with silver button. The YouTube channel has got 1.12 lakh subscribers and hence received silver button. But video which has largest views, which is about PSC appointment is flooded with lakhs of ‘dislikes’.
599,151 people viewed the video, 127,000 people have disliked the video and 49,000 people have liked it. Lots of comments trolling CPI (M) on Facebook page have emerged and also in the comment section of that particular video on YouTube. Some trolls are about CPM’s earlier protest against computers, appointment of party people in jobs and hypocrisy of the party.
Views are less for many videos. It is such an irony that a party which once protested against computers, is now showing off with Youtube silver button!