Kannur: NIA team has caught Firoz Idappally, the accused in terror case, from Pothuvachery, Kannur this morning. Firoz, the abettor of terrorist Thadiyandavida Nazeer, was secretly living in the house of former PDP leader Majeed Parambayi , one of the accused in Kalamassery bus burning case and also alleged in the murder of BJP worker Nishad.
High Court has recently confirmed their conviction and life imprisonment . But however, even after the verdict, Firoz did not appear before court. NIA made a thorough inquiry, reached Kannur and took Firoz into custody from Pothuvachery .
Firoz has been taken to Kochi. He is one of the main accused in terror recruitment case of 2008. Out of 24 accused, four were killed in a clash with Indian army in Kashmir.