THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: BJP State Vice President, Sobha Surendran, has come out with serious allegations against the state government in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) surveillance camera scam. She said the director of the company which took the tender for the cameras, Ramjith, is a benami of Prakash Babu, who is incidentally the father-in-law of the CM’s son.
Sobha Surendran said that Prakash Babu is winning many government contracts by placing Ramjith in the forefront. She said that opposition leaders are not mentioning the name of Prakash Babu in order to help the government.
The BJP leader also demanded that the scam must be investigated by central agencies and added that she will hand over the documents to central agencies to prove the benami dealings.
Earlier, Congress leader Ramesh Chennithala had said that the AI camera scam amounted to Rs.132 crores.