Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala High Court while saying that nothing will happen due to the screening of the movie The Kerala Story reminded that movies were made before which made fun of Hindu sanyasis and Christian priests. The HC asked what the specialty is now.
Petitions seeking to stop the screening of the movie are being considered by the division bench of the High Court of Kerala comprising Justice N Nagaresh and Justice Sophy Thomas.
The court asked where in the trailer and the teaser is the Muslim community depicted in a bad light. The secular character of Kerala will accept the movie. Nothing will happen if the movie is screened. This is not a historic movie. The trailer shows that the movie is against ISIS.
The court said that the trailer of the movie do not say anything against Islam. Movies have been made against Hindu sanyasis and Christian priests. At that time it was considered as work of fiction. What is the specialty now?
The court also asked in what manner the movie will create divisions in the society and rioting.
The High Court’s observation comes after watching both the trailer and teaser as per the petitioner’s demand.