Thiruvananthapuram: BJP State General Secretary, MT Ramesh, said that the Chief Minister and the opposition leader must answer for creating divisions in the society by spreading misinformation about the movie The Kerala Story. He said that fake campaigns and lies were spread against the movie.
MT Ramesh added that it is a fact that IS recruitment is being carried out in Kerala. How can that be a lie? Some media have fallen into the fake narrative. Yesterday, the movie was screened with police security which happened for the first time in Kerala.
He revealed that agents of terrorists with international links are behind this. IS has people working for the organization in Kerala. To fight against them, Kerala must stand united.
The BJP leader also said that if the CPI(M) and Congress think that the Islamic State is Islam, then they must make it clear. He added that those who worry about The Kerala Story are ISIS.
MT Ramesh asked who misled the CM and the opposition leader?